Exploring Marks & Patterns in Nature
Children will go outside and look in their surroundings for variety of leaves, seeds, tree barks and any other natural things available. They bring it back and sit with a A4 sheet, oil pastel and water colours to explore the patterns present in these leaves, seeds and barks. On an A4 sheet they keep the leaf and another A4 sheet on top and using oil pastels gently rub on it to get the patterns and again apply paint on the leaf and is pressed on another A4 sheet. This is repeated for everything they have collected and observe the patterns they have created. Children develop close observation skills, paying attention to detail, and also develop investigation skills.
Flower Collage
In this activity children use the sheets which they used to explore the leaves and other things patterns In the previous activity as a collage paper and think of a flower, its shape, about the petals, sepals, stem etc and using the printed collage papers make a flower collage. Children here develop fine motor skills and also their imagination skills.
Oil Pastel Drawing of My Favourite Toy
In this activity children will think about their favourite toy and sketch them on an A4 sheet using oil pastels. Children can think of them or if they have a toy keep it in front of them and observe and then sketch it. Children will develop their imagination skills and if observing their close observation skills as well.